In modern legal practice, the difference between success and failure often boils down to the ability to navigate and make sense of data. Yet that process can be difficult, demanding, and daunting, whether part of a corporate information governance operation, a review of digital evidence in litigation, or simply the ability to harness data to run your practice more efficiently and effectively.
To help ease these burdens, Logikcull recently hosted three webinars touching on controlling corporate discovery costs, ensuring accurate, effective searches in your discovery process, and selecting the best technology for an efficient, cloud-based practice. If you weren’t able to attend the webinars live, don’t worry. They are available on-demand below.
Are You Missing Critical Evidence? eDiscovery Search Accuracy with Craig Ball
When it comes to eDiscovery, how can you ensure that you're finding what you're looking for? It starts with search accuracy. If your search is faulty, then your entire case could be at risk. Indeed, unreliable searches could hurt your entire career, exposing you to potential sanctions, spoliation, and shame.

In discovery, guaranteeing accurate, reliable searches should be a top priority. But often, legal professionals don’t realize what they’re missing, or how their approach to discovery, from their eDiscovery software to query construction, can impact the evidence available to them.
Join Craig Ball, a trial lawyer, computer forensic examiner, law professor and noted authority on electronic evidence, for this must-see webinar. Watch it here.
Virtual Law Firm Toolkit: A Guide to Building the Perfect Cloud-based Practice
Whether you’re hanging your own shingle, moving to a paperless practice, or just looking to modernize your firm, the tools you need to succeed as a legal professional are increasingly in the cloud. And that’s good news.
As the BigLaw model faces a decade of stagnation, the cloud is allowing innovative lawyers to level the playing field without costly investments in infrastructure, to take on new opportunities, and gain an advantage over their more flat-footed competitors.

Watch this webinar, co-hosted with Lexicata, to learn how cloud-based technology can help you build a practice that runs smoothly, efficiently, and successfully, cutting back on the drudgery and allowing you to focus on the work that most matters. Click here to view.
Managing Corporate eDiscovery to Save Millions of Dollars
eDiscovery can be expensive, risky, complex—and expensive again. For companies dealing with massive amounts of data in litigation, it’s not unusual to see budgets quickly overwhelmed by burdensome discovery requirements, endless vendor bills, and outside counsel who fail to make efficiency a concern, let alone a priority. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
A comprehensive corporate eDiscovery program can reduce discovery costs by tens of millions of dollars—or more.

Attend this webinar to learn from a panel of corporate legal experts, including Wayne Matus, a litigation partner & managing director who revolutionized the eDiscovery process at UBS, reducing eDiscovery costs by tens of millions of dollars. Get the recording here.
But Wait, There’s More! 2018 eDiscovery Case Law Mid-Year Review, Featuring Judge Francis, Gareth Evans, and Michael Simon
If these past webinars aren’t enough, join us on June 6th for our upcoming survey of the most important case law developments of the first half of 2018. We’ll look at how massive data growth is continuing to impact legal practice and how attorneys and courts are still grappling with the consequences of the growth in digital evidence.
This webinar will touch on a host of pressing questions, including: How can parties ensure that the time and expense dedicated to discovery is proportional to the needs of the case? How should judges deal with practitioners who fail to adopt their past discovery strategies to new federal rules? When and how should courts sanction practitioners whose failure or refusal to handle digital evidence properly impedes the administration of justice?

You won’t want to miss this all-star panel, featuring:
The Honorable James C. Francis IV (Ret.), a celebrated expert on eDiscovery who not only saw the discovery process evolve before him during more than 30 years on the bench, but shaped it along the way, through influential opinions on everything from ESI preservation, to discovery cost shifting, to the court’s authority to sanction discovery misconduct;
Gareth T. Evans, partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, where he is one of the founders and co-chairs of the firm’s Electronic Discovery Practice Group and one of the lead authors and editors of Gibson Dunn’s highly acclaimed eDiscovery Year-End and Mid-Year Reports;
Michael Simon, self-described “nerd turned lawyer turned nerd,” principal at Seventh Samurai and regular author and speaker on pressing eDiscovery issues.
Register now to save your spot.
This post was authored by Casey C. Sullivan, who leads education and awareness efforts at Logikcull. You can reach him at or on Twitter at @caseycsull.