Collect Data From Slack in Seconds
Collect relevant chat conversations directly from the source and start reviewing right away.
Did you figure out the complex world of Slack exports only to download a JSON file you’re now unable to read? Put that nightmare behind you with a process as easy as hitting the “Import from Slack” button, ingesting, and reviewing.
Using relevant keywords is not enough in an ecosystem filled with non-verbal communication like emojis and GIFs. Chat filters help you quickly surface the important conversations, quips, and eye-rolls buried in the Slack morass — no matter where they hide.
With Logikcull’s Slack API, you can create a faster legal holds process. Share your legal hold notifications and reminders via Slack, and allow custodians to send confirmations directly from the app.
We’d love to show you how you can connect Logikcull to your systems so you can start reviewing your data in seconds.