Once you upload a video or audio file to Logikcull, it’s automatically transcribed, timestamped, and made searchable. Use any relevant keyword to find all audiovisual files that contain it, and redact both the transcript and the audio file with a click.
Don’t settle for just a keyword search. Logikcull automatically categorizes your data into pre-defined search filters: Email from/to/cc, Doc types (Audio, Video), Potentially privileged, PII, and more.
Stop paying for expensive third-party A/V transcription services! Logikcull’s transcriptions are automatic, quick, and accurate.
A Tulsa-based Fortune 500 energy company was able to narrow down a review set of 15,000 voicemails to just 8 with A/V Transcription — achieving six-figure savings in the process.
Even when you have transcriptions at hand, large A/V files can be a pain to get through. VoiceTouch wipes out that trouble: Just click any word or phrase in your transcript and VoiceTouch will let you jump to it anywhere in your recording.
Found that critical keyword you were looking for in a Zoom recording? You still need to understand it in that particular context. Just click on that word in the transcript, and instantly check the point in the recording when it was used.
By making audio and video files searchable, A/V Transcriptions ensure you can keep your entire document review in one single place. Treat audiovisual data like any other type of data in your review and never miss important details.
Stop relying on expensive A/V transcription services. Logikcull transcribes your A/V files automatically and accurately.
If you know what word or phrase you’re looking for, VoiceTouch will take you there. Click on the word and you’ll jump to the part of your recording that contains it. Then redact both the transcription text and the audio file simultaneously.
After automatically transcribing your A/V files, Logikcull will tag them as “transcribed,” making it easy for you to find them all.
Connect directly with Slack, Microsoft 365, Google Vault, Box, and Clio, and collect all your data with a click.
Our team of product specialists will show you how to make Logikcull work for your specific needs and help you speed up the review of A/V files.
More than 1,500 legal teams trust Logikcull for simpler, faster discovery.
“Thanks to Logikcull, we now only engage outside counsel in 1 or 2 matters per year, whereas previously, we'd get them involved in more than half of our 9 or 10 yearly matters. That's an 83% reduction in OC reliance — and costs.”
“After I was able to handle that massive subpoena by myself, I realized we had to make Logikcull a core piece of our software stack. It's allowed us to reduce our subpoena response timelines by 90%."
"Logikcull Hold allows us to issue holds quickly, ensure consistency in our process, and manage our holds easily with much greater efficiency. It takes me from five spreadsheets for every hold to just getting the information and going."