Can You Master Modern Discovery?

Prove it with the Logikcull Certification

The Logikcull Certification from Logikcull is powerful validation to clients and employers of your commitment to speed, efficiency, and security. Instead of measuring your conceptual understanding, the Logikcull Certification proves your ability to conduct discovery quickly and safely in the real world.

To become Logikcull Certified, access Reveal Academy.

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Why certification?

Discovery can be a slow, expensive and risky process. But it is increasingly the deciding factor in most disputes, and can give a decisive advantage to those who’ve mastered it. Are you equipped with the skill, knowledge and technology to win discovery? The Logikcull Certification is the badge that says, “Yes I am.”

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Benefit yourself and your organization

Advance your skill, knowledge and experience in a fast growing area of business and law
Demonstrate core discovery competencies

Signal to employers, courts, clients, and peers that you value speed and security

Appeal to the hundreds of organizations seeking verified discovery experts
Lower the risk and cost associated with discovery
Handle document-intensive matters securely and affordably
Show clients and regulators you value speed, security and proportionality
Validate your staff’s skills and competency