Un-Box All Your Data with a Click
Effortlessly import documents from your favorite content management system into Logikcull.
Skip the tedious task of searching, exporting, and importing Box data to your eDiscovery platform. Just connect, collect, and go!
Are you still copying files and burning DVDs with your Box data? Welcome to the cloud age! With a direct link to all your Box files, your discovery project is just a click away.
Upon ingesting your Box data, Logikcull will automatically deduplicate and organize it by filters like sender, domain, and dates that will allow you to spot those smoking guns in just a few clicks.
From ingestion to production, Logikcull allows you to easily handle disputes and investigations end-to-end, without the need for manual tasks or costly third parties.
We’d love to show you how you can connect Logikcull to your systems so you can start reviewing your data in seconds.