Today’s general counsel are leaders in reshaping the legal market. They’re demanding greater efficiencies, holding their outside partners accountable, and creating innovative approaches to solving old problems—from dealing with endless discovery without breaking the bank to turning the legal department into a revenue center.
Oh, and they’ve got to deal with those contracts. Thousands of contracts.
For many in-house innovators, “contract readiness” is one of the first major challenges to take on. So, where do you start? What part of the contracting process is most ripe for intervention? And what strategies can you employ to make sure your contract management process is effective and efficient?
To address those questions, Evolve the Law, the innovation wing of the popular website Above the Law, recently brought together leaders from the in-house legal world for a panel entitled “Contracting Readiness: Why It’s Important and How to Get Started.”
Hosted at Logikcull’s San Francisco headquarters, the panel was moderated by Monica Zent, founder of the alternative legal solutions provider ZentLaw and founder and CEO of LawDesk360, along with Stephanie Corey, co-founder of CLOC and the legal strategy consulting firm UpLevel Ops.
Panelists included:

Lucy Bassli, Deputy General Counsel, Snowflake Computing
Chris Young, General Counsel, Ironclad
Stephanie Lamoureaux, Head of Legal Operations, Square
If you couldn’t attend, don’t worry. We’ve preserved the discussion in podcast form, so tune in below for the expert advice of in-house practitioners with decades’ worth of experience between them. And, if you want something more visual, check out this quick wrap-up video by Logikcull’s own Moneet Kholi, surveying the highlights from the event.