On March 21, hundreds of legal, ops, and IT professionals joined us for Culling Reloaded, Logikcull’s spring launch event.
As you may know, boring events are not our jam. That’s why we used inspiration from The Matrix to create an experience where our co-founder and CEO, Andy Wilson, put on his black leather coat and sunglasses to “green-pill" us and walk us through a whole new eDiscovery reality.
Random fact: Andy Wilson also flew during the event. Don’t ask us why. You had to see it to understand.

You can watch the entire event on-demand here — it’s only 36 minutes, has zero fluff, and contains even cooler stuff than Andy Wilson flying — or keep reading for a quick recap of everything we covered:
Three Glitches in Today’s Discovery World
At Logikcull, we know that to democratize discovery, we need to disrupt it first. That means changing the status quo, and proving that this is a process that can be simple, affordable, and secure.
That’s why we recently updated our mission statement to “disrupt and democratize discovery.”
This mission is crucial today as traditional discovery falls short of tackling the most pressing challenges for legal teams everywhere.
Here are the three main challenges:
- Digital data is exploding. That’s no secret to anyone at this point. However, it's data from specific sources like Microsoft 365 – the productivity toolkit of choice for 90% of Fortune 500 companies — that is growing at a particularly fast rate.
- Security concerns. In this age of generative AI, hacking attacks will become much more frequent and effective. With over 50 billion GB of data preserved every year by US companies alone, keeping it all safe at a reasonable price seems like an impossible task.
- Shaky economic climate. The economic downturn that started last year is driving layoffs, budget cuts, and restructuring efforts across the board. But the reality is that legal teams have always been short of resources... so how can they operate with even fewer people, outdated technology, and suboptimal processes? Hard to tell.
Ten New Features to Automate Your Discovery Process
Microsoft Teams Integration & Support
With the pandemic and the rise of remote work, the usage of MS Teams boomed, generating an avalanche of chat and video data.
For context, in 2022 alone, Teams reached 270 million users, which vastly outperformed Slack's 18 million active users. That means that more than 33 billion Teams messages are sent every single day — and all of them are discoverable and terribly complex to manage because of the disjointed nature of chat data.
So far, Logikcull has successfully supported Slack data via its direct integration with Slack and chat-specific filters that help you find any relevant conversation quickly and visualize it in its native format.
Now, the same is possible with Teams data.
With our new Microsoft Teams integration, you’ll be able to save time on chat collections by accessing your MS account and pulling all your data directly from Logikcull.
From there, you can use Teams-specific filters – “Conversation,” “Participant,” “Sender,” and “Reaction” – to parse through your Teams conversations and find the signal buried in the chat noise.
Check out how it works:
This feature is coming very soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
MS 365 Preserve in Place
Did you know that US companies issue more than 50 million legal holds per year? This means that approximately 50 billion gigabytes of data need to be preserved just in the context of litigation.
To help you beat those preservation challenges, Logikcull recently incorporated a Preserve in Place functionality for Google Vault data.
We knew this was super valuable, but when we looked at how the feature was being used, we were shocked:
Since its release in early 2022, the number of preservations in Google Vault has grown by 1,600%. This was a clear indicator of the huge need to lock sensitive data as soon as there’s a triggering event.
That’s why we’re now offering the same option for Microsoft data. All you need to do is select the option to preserve in place for MS 365 as you’re issuing a legal hold in Logikcull, and you’re good to go.
Check this out:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
MS Active Directory Integration
Preserving your MS data with a click is pretty neat and all, but it got us thinking, “How can we make legal holds for Microsoft data even more streamlined?”
The answer was just one step ahead in our legal holds workflow: Custodians.
Why would we make you upload your Active Directory users manually or by importing them on a spreadsheet when we can integrate directly with your Microsoft environment? Yeah, we couldn't think of a good reason either.
With our Active Directory integration, you can add custodians to your legal hold faster by accessing your list of contacts right from Logikcull.
Here’s a peek:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
Global Redactions
With global redactions, even your wildest redactions dreams come true.
Yes, you can apply project-wide redactions to as many words, expressions, or elements as you need. All at once.
Yes, you can also select a subset of documents and apply redactions to them in bulk.
Yes, you can see at a glance how many documents will be affected by the redactions, and they will all be tagged as “Has Redactions” once you apply them.
No, we’re not kidding.
Here’s how they work:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like to become a beta tester or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
New Reports
At Logikcull, we're all about empowering you to be in control of your discovery process.
That's why we're giving you access to much more information about your projects through three new reports:
- Projects. This report allows you to export a CSV of all projects in your account to get the full picture.
- Uploads and Downloads. Use this report to export a CSV of all preserved or completed uploads and downloads in your account.
- Shared Downloads. Get a CSV of all shared downloads in your account.
This feature is now available for all Logikcull account owners and admins.
Audio Redaction
At Logikcull, we know that redacting is one of the most painful and time-consuming parts of eDiscovery.
If you think otherwise, ask Chris Picha, director of human resources at Minnesota’s Owatonna Public Schools, who recently stated: “I am very tired. I almost want to vomit when I hear the word ‘redaction.’”
We’ve already been on top of this problem by enabling redaction-friendly features like click-to-redact, bulk redactions, full-page redactions, and those new global, project-wide redactions.
And now, we’re taking it one step further by allowing users to redact audio files, where sensitive words will be hidden behind a simple beep or any sound of your choice.
See it in action in combination with PII detection, another huge time saver that would make Picha’s nausea vanish forever:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
Suggested Tags
Ok, so here’s where things get extra spicy as we dive into AI waters…
At Logikcull, we're all about disrupting and democratizing eDiscovery with the power of AI and automation.
But let's be real, traditional TAR tools are a bit too complex and pricey for our taste.
That’s why one of our first built-in AI features, Suggested Tags, is a super simple yet powerful one.
In a nutshell, Suggested Tags learn from your tagging decisions and offer tag suggestions that you’ll be able to apply individually or in bulk so you can get through your doc review faster. You can also see the level of confidence in the suggestion and the reasoning behind this suggestion.
Here’s a preview:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
More on the disruption front? Of course!
With Automations, we’re giving everyone — from the tech-savvy ops pro to the tech-averse attorney — the possibility to program Logikcull to do common tasks for them.
Without a degree in computer science, you’ll be able to create rules to automate repetitive actions like tagging, redacting, or culling.
(P.S.: You may want to start looking for new stuff to do with all the time this is going to save you.)
See how it works:
This feature is coming soon. If you'd like access or to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.
BONUS: Logikbot AI
If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a reward.
What about a preview of the inevitable AI-powered future of document review?
Think of Logikbot AI as an extremely efficient assistant available to you 24/7 that will spare you from conducting an eyes-on review of every single document in your data set.
From summarizing documents to finding smoking guns or getting definitions of unfamiliar words, the sky's the limit for the number and types of tasks this AI assistant can do for you.
Here’s our vision of what’s coming:
This feature is in early stages of development. If you'd like to learn more, please contact sales@logikcull.com.