Does the complexity of your discovery process leave you feeling like you’re stuck in a labyrinth? Are skyrocketing data sizes and unforgiving deadlines putting you under pressure? Have vendor bills, nickel-and-dime fees, and per-project minimums made it so that you can’t even afford a ticket back from Suffragette City?
It might be time for some ch-ch-ch-changes.
If you’re headed to ILTACON 18, the largest gathering of legal technology professionals this side of (Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from) Mars, stop by Booth 400 to test out the Instant Discovery technology that will leave you dancing in the street.
If you’re feeling like a real rebel, rebel you can grab a free Logikcull t-shirt, inspired by the late, great Thin White Duke himself.

And if you’re feeling afraid of Americans, take a demo and you’ll be entered to win a $600 travel voucher.
So, visit Booth 400. Be a hero—just for one day, or many more to come.