I once met a guy who was trying to recover the costs his eDiscovery vendor expended on tootsie rolls at a Pennsylvania Wawa. Alright, we didn’t meet; I just came across him on PACER. This litigant was looking to recoup his vendor costs under 28 U.S.C. § 1920(4), which allows the prevailing party in an action to recover “fees for exemplification and the costs of making copies” and which has been used as a much-disputed (and not often successful) discovery fee-shifting statute.

He didn't get his money back, but who can blame him for trying? Particularly when his vendor racked up a lot more than $4.02 on convenience store snacks. Charges like $9,567 for two days of forensic collection, when the vendor flew an expert from New York to Wisconsin for two days—because apparently there are no forensic collections exports in the midwest. Or the $33,547 for one instance of OCRing, billed at two cents a page. In 2016. That’s 5-figures for something that many platforms will include for free.
Which is to say, if you feel like your discovery vendor is stealing the shirt off your (and your client’s) back, you’re not alone.
But we’ve got something that can help. No, it’s not our instant discovery software—though it is that, too—it’s these stellar t-shirts, a new, limited edition ILTACon special. You can reserve your shirt by scheduling a demo at ILTACon.

Reserve your ILTACon t-shirts here
ILTACon, if you’re not familiar, is the annual gathering of the International Legal Technology Association, where thousands of legal tech specialists come together to look for a better way to get things done—one that doesn’t require five-figures for OCRing and a tootsie roll bonus. This year’s conference is being held at the Walt Disney World Swan Resort in Orlando, Florida, from Saturday, August 17, through Thursday, August 22. (Tickets are still available.)
If you’ll be there, let’s meet up. We’ll be talking with attendees about the results of our just-released 2019 eDiscovery Billing and Cost Recovery Survey, proselytizing instant discovery, and making some very exciting announcements.
Oh, and if you’re wondering why the shirt features shoes stamping out hosting fees, we’ll be happy to explain it to you in person.
Hope to see you in Orlando.