Take the Survey: COVID's Impacts on the Legal Profession

Take the Survey: COVID's Impacts on the Legal Profession

Earlier this year, Logikcull released the 2020 Corporate In-Housing Report, a look into the in-house practices of over 40 major corporations. The report set new benchmarks for in-house approaches to litigation and eDiscovery, outside counsel management, and cost reduction.

The 2020 Corporate In-Housing Report offered a candid view into where these in-house legal departments were having success and what their vision for the future entailed.

We published the report in February. Then, well, March happened—and April, and May, and June, etc. With COVID-19, state-by-state shutdowns, and unprecedented disruption, it’s fair to say that no one was expecting the year we’ve experienced so far.

So, as 2020 comes to an end, we’re issuing an end-of-year update to shed light on the impacts felt by legal professionals and organizations like yours.

Click here to take the survey.

The survey will be released in early 2021, to help educate the industry and shine a light on COVID’s impacts. Questions are designed with in-house legal teams in mind, but the survey is open to legal professionals from all organizations, and the final results will be segmented accordingly.

Your contributions will provide valuable insights to your peers and colleagues—and all your responses will be aggregated and reported on anonymously. So, if you have three minutes to spare, we’d love you to participate.

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