The law is an adversarial system, but it can sometimes become a dirty one as well. Whether it's document dumps, questionable denials of custody and control, or meritless objections, your opposing counsel may have a few questionable tricks up his sleeve. And it's your job to defeat them.
If you need some help spotting and disarming these underhanded tactics, join us for our upcoming webinar, "eDiscovery Dirty Tricks (And How to Defeat Them)," on September 18 at 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern. Click here to register.

This webinar will dive into common situations, such as:
- When a party produces everything plus the kitchen sink, hoping to drown key documents in meaningless data
- When counsel wields proportionality as both a shield and a sword
- When attorneys play games with privilege claims
- And many more!
We've got an all-star panel to help guide you through these tricky situations, including:

Brian Wolfinger: Chief Technology Officer at Everest Technologies, Brian Wolfinger has decades of experience in the worlds of digital forensics and electronic discovery, as founder of Wolfinger Forensics, former CISO and VP of Technology at LDiscovery, and Manager of the Emergency Response Services at ISS. He holds multiple security and digital forensic certifications and has lectured for Carnegie-Mellon University, the American Prosecutors Research Institute, and dozens of other institutions.

Rebecca Rakoski: Rebecca Rakoski is the co-founder and managing partner at XPAN Law Group, a boutique law firm focusing exclusively on cybersecurity and data privacy. She is an expert on the intersection of technology and legal obligations and liabilities and has extensive experience in cybersecurity standards and guidelines. In addition to her practice, Rebecca is an adjunct professor at Drexel’s Kline School of Law and regularly speaks on cybersecurity, data privacy, and eDiscovery issues.

Moneet Kohli: An attorney and seasoned eDiscovery expert, Moneet Kohli helps legal professionals implement, manage, and simplify eDiscovery, as Senior Customer Success Manager at Logikcull. Prior to joining Logikcull, Moneet managed eDiscovery projects at multiple AmLaw 100 firms and corporations throughout the United States, specializing in privilege guidance for large-scale review teams. She also serves as San Francisco's Chapter Director of Women in eDiscovery.

Michael Simon: Michael Simon is an attorney and consultant with over 15 years of experience in the eDiscovery industry, during which he’s seen more than his fair share of dirty tricks. Principal at Seventh Samurai and adjunct professor of law, he regularly writes and presents on pressing eDiscovery issues throughout the country.
It's a presentation not to be missed! If you can't make it, don't worry. You can register anyway and watch the webinar on-demand any time after it airs.