In May, Logikcull released a new case study detailing how Baker Donelson maximized client value through a new, powerfully simple approach to eDiscovery. Next week, we’ll be diving into that process in even greater detail, with the firm leaders who helped drive the change. Click here to save your spot.
Long before the current health and economic crises forced other firms’ hands, Baker Donelson was proactively laying the groundwork for a new approach to eDiscovery. With the Am Law 100 firm’s core standard of “clients first” at the center of this transformation, the firm sought to empower its attorneys and support staff with more autonomy over the eDiscovery process, to lower overall costs for clients, to speed access to data by trial teams, and to lower internal overhead and support needs.
Well over a year later, the firm has not only achieved those goals, but surpassed initial expectations. The results of this transformation have been “beyond our initial expectations and any projections we had,” according to Clinton Sanko, Baker Donelson shareholder and the firm’s eDiscovery officer.

Join us Wednesday, July 8th, for an in-depth look at just how Baker Donelson’s new approach to discovery began and how it has played out. Attend this webinar to learn:
- Why Baker Donelson decided to reimagine its eDiscovery approach and what steps it took to find the best solutions
- What strategies powered the firm’s success in implementing this new approach
- How resource allocation, cost savings, user adoption, and time-to-data have been impacted by the firm’s new approach
- Why eDiscovery is now “a non-event” in so many of the firm’s cases
Featured Presenters:

Clinton Sanko, Shareholder and eDiscovery Officer, Baker Donelson
Clinton Sanko, a Baker Donelson shareholder and the firm's eDiscovery and document review officer, is a seasoned commercial trial lawyer advocating for client value through proportionate eDiscovery. As a trial lawyer and technology enthusiast, Sanko has 13 years of experience dealing with eDiscovery issues in litigation settings, helping clients maintain a proportionate approach to finding what is needed and complying with all legal obligations, while keeping costs measured and unearthing the case story buried in the documents.

Anthony Mendenhall, Director of eDiscovery Operations, Baker Donelson
As Baker Donelson’s eDiscovery operations director, Anthony Mendenhall uses his deep technical and legal background to ensure eDiscovery projects run smoothly, efficiently and in accordance with industry best practices. In his role, Mendenhall has principal responsibility to oversee all eDiscovery services and actively oversees process creation and improvement to ensure all services are provided to the highest standards and industry best practices and, ultimately, to maximize the value being delivered to the client.

Robert Hilson, Vice President, Logikcull
A vice president at Logikcull and former executive director of the Association of Certified eDiscovery Specialists, Robert Hilson has more than ten year’s experience in the discovery industry. At Logikcull, Hilson brings his extensive expertise to driving industry engagement and education around the most pressing discovery challenges.
Register for Logikcull’s webinar with Baker Donelson here. Can’t make it? Don’t worry—register anyway and we’ll send you the recording afterwards.